I’ve done the applet branding steps, how do I get the widget to use my version of the applet?

You’ll need to pass the URL to your hosted version of the applet in the csPageOptions as demonstrated below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
Include the script anywhere on your page, usually in the head
(don't forget to replace `localhost-only` with your CloudSponge key)
<script src="//api.cloudsponge.com/widget/localhost-only.js"></script>
// extra widget configuration
// change the URL below to use your own hosted copy of the applet
// Follow @CloudSpongeTech for notifications of code changes
// NB: Your copy of the applet must be hosted on the same protocol as the address_books.js script.
// This establishes trust with the browser when launching Java and prevents browser
// security warnings when loading the applet.
<a class="cloudsponge-launch">Add from Address Book</a>
<textarea class="cloudsponge-contacts"></textarea>